Co-Creation: When Users Become Co-Designers


Co-creation in design is like bringing in a co-pilot for your project. You and your team have spent a lot of time in the design process; walking a mile in the user’s shoes, talking and learning about their journey’s, using your newfound knowledge to come up with some great ideas through brainstorming, developing them into […]

Concept Development That Builds Strong Ideas

Concept development might seem pretty straight forward; you’ve completed the user journey, interviewed them to learn their perspectives and conducted detailed brainstorming sessions. Now you’re ready to select the best ideas and build them into winning solutions that will fit within the creative brief (or project goals, business criteria, etc… ) before being unleashed upon […]

Brainstorming Like A Creative Director

Do you ever wonder how creatives at ad agencies come up with new ideas on a daily basis? What type of brainstorming processes do they use to stay relevant to attract the viewers’ attention? At its heart, this overused buzz term is essentially that really focused, results-driven sister to daydreaming. Brainstorming generates ideas, challenges conventions, […]

Understanding Your Users Through Interviews

Talking is one of our most primal and basic functions, yet when presented with interviews or data on a computer screen, more and more people are choosing the impersonal interaction. User research has always held a high place within design but it now has come to the forefront with more people competing for customer attention. […]

How To Start Journey Mapping

Imagine being the proverbial fly on the wall watching your customer’s journey from recognition of your brand, through research to contact and ultimately purchase? What would that journey look like? What types of ‘a-ha’ moments would you hope to uncover? Journey Mapping is taking the hypothetical customer journey and plotting it out in a flow-chart, […]

Designers Should Be Writing

Designers are visual people, creating for the eyes and in-turn, the mind. With incredible skills developing colour pallets to fonts, tactile objects to expansive spaces, stunning images to coveted fashions, designers truly live in the now of visual creativity. Designing the interfaces on our phones and buildings for our offices the universal language of design […]

10 Tips To Write An Effective Creative Brief

Think of all the great creative work we see on a daily basis. How the right image paired with the right words evoked reactions. How a new interface felt like a friendly piece of software that you were able to use with ease. Or a new product that came in such precise packaging that you […]